Tag Archives: South East

Fracking The Weald: The Growing Tight Oil Threat

  • Recent flow test of well at Horse Hill in Surrey
  • Company targeting Kimmeridge Clay shale
  • Tight oil similar to Bakken Shale, North Dakota
  • Fracking company UKOG planning to return
  • Statements demonstrate long term goals
  • Tight oil would require dense pattern of wells
  • Would be ‘regionally extensive’, ‘pervasive’
  • Threat of thousands of wells across region
  • Plus processing plants, pipelines, waste sites
  • UKOG strategy: Focus attention on next step
  • Trying to distract from the big picture threat
  • Need for investment forces some disclosures
  • Ultimate goal to sell to much large company
  • UKOG will seek further planning permission
  • Now is the time to get organised and resist

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Scale Of Fracking Threat To South East England

  • New British Geological Survey (BGS) Report
  • 4.4 billion barrels of shale oil under South East
  • But only very small percentage can be exploited
  • Typical 4% would mean 176 million barrels
  • Only 4 months of present UK oil consumption
  • Would require 1,400 wells drilled to extract
  • Even 10% would only be 10 months of oil
  • Would require 3,500 wells drilled to extract
  • Despite this massive push to exploit it likely
  • Desperate scramble to profit from last oil in UK
  • Kimmeridge Clay said to contain most shale oil
  • Similar to the Bakken Shale in North Dakota
  • Toxic nightmare threatens Sussex and Kent
  • Communities are getting organised to resist

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Fracking Balcombe: A Threatened Community 2010-2013

In 1986 energy company Conoco drilled a conventional exploration well on the Lower Stumble site situated half a mile from Balcombe village. With the advent of high volume hydraulic fracturing, Unconventional Gas Exploration company Cuadrilla Resources returned to the site with the intention to frack for shale oil and gas. 25th Jan 2010 – Cuadrilla […]

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The Real Significance Of The Blockade At Balcombe

  • Cuadrilla drilling tight oil well in Balcombe
  • Similar to Bakken Shale in North Dakota
  • Claim well ‘unlikely’ to go into production
  • No one is celebrating with good reason
  • Battle not just about this particular well
  • Threat of thousands to follow real concern
  • Potentially 300 within 5 miles of Balcombe
  • Balcombe well will provide data to Cuadrilla
  • Allowing them to get more investment
  • They have no intention of producing anything
  • Plan to prove viable, sellout to larger company
  • With enough resistance can be made unviable
  • Wherever they try to drill, community must resist

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Fracking In Balcombe: A Community Says No

  • Fracking threatening Sussex countryside
  • Cuadrilla have licences for 270 square miles
  • Planning permission to drill in Balcombe
  • Targeting layer within Kimmeridge Clay
  • Analogous to Bakken Shale in North Dakota
  • Would need thousands of wells to extract oil
  • Same severe impacts as in US and Australia
  • Villagers getting organised to resist invasion
  • Cuadrilla is trying to push ahead regardless
  • Need permits to start, but could be soon

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Fracking Sussex: The Threat Of Shale Oil & Gas

  • Fracking is now threatening Sussex
  • Cuadrilla has licence blocks in the east
  • Celtique Energie has blocks in the west
  • Unconventional prospects in Sussex
  • Kimmeridge Clay and deeper Lias
  • Kimmeridge is presently main target
  • Analogous to Bakken Shale in North Dakota
  • Would require drilling thousands of wells
  • Cuadrilla want to drill at Balcombe soon
  • Celtique have plans for two sites in Sussex
  • Near Fernhurst and Wisborough Green

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Celtique borehole deception in Sussex

Sussex Driller Celtique Energie is preparing to test for shale gas and oil at two new sites in Sussex, even as it tells the public it’s not doing so. Thousands of wells, hydraulic fracturing, horizontal drilling and massive volumes of water, chemicals and sand (silica) are inevitably required to extract oil and gas from shale. […]

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Cuadrilla boss mauled at West Sussex public meeting

Cuadrilla boss Mark Miller received a tongue lashing at a public meeting in Balcombe, West Sussex, last night. 300 people – including 100 standing – packed Balcombe’s Victory hall to hear the Cuadrilla CEO expound on the company’s controversial Hydraulic Fracturing technique, scheduled to take place a mile from the village. (Listen to a recording […]

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