Tag Archives: ukog

Fracking The Weald: The Growing Tight Oil Threat

  • Recent flow test of well at Horse Hill in Surrey
  • Company targeting Kimmeridge Clay shale
  • Tight oil similar to Bakken Shale, North Dakota
  • Fracking company UKOG planning to return
  • Statements demonstrate long term goals
  • Tight oil would require dense pattern of wells
  • Would be ‘regionally extensive’, ‘pervasive’
  • Threat of thousands of wells across region
  • Plus processing plants, pipelines, waste sites
  • UKOG strategy: Focus attention on next step
  • Trying to distract from the big picture threat
  • Need for investment forces some disclosures
  • Ultimate goal to sell to much large company
  • UKOG will seek further planning permission
  • Now is the time to get organised and resist

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