Social media post archives

A Renewed Fracking Threat: What You Can Do!
Government plans to allow fracking again, a new resistance will be needed to fight it, now time to reorganise in face of threat
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Lancashire Fracking Wells To Be Plugged, But Cuadrilla Wants 132,000 More
Cuadrilla forced to plug 2 fracking wells in Lancashire, but continuing to push fracking a coordinate PR campaign Continue reading

Ascent Resources Case Highlights Growing Trade Deal Fracking Threat
A British company, Ascent Resources is using secret trade courts to sue Slovenia over halting fracking in the country Continue reading

Proposed Trade Deal Threat To Fracking “Pause” In UK
A UK-Australia trade deal threatens to allow fracking companies to sue the government if it continues block fracking in the UK Continue reading

UK Government Covid-19 Bailout Props Up Fracking Industry
UK Government Covid-19 Bailout Props Up Fracking Industry With £1.75 Billion In Loans To Global Players Continue reading

Redacted Fracking Report Hides Much But Not Role Of Communities In Stopping Fracking
Summary Government forced to release fracking report Heavily redacted, with most pages blacked out Even so there is some interest information Credit for slow progress given to communities Particularly resistance to planning apps Industry has very high bar to reach success Needs 20-30 successful wells in 3-5 regions But exponential acceleration after that Community resistance […]

Fracking “Pause” Would Not Stop What Cuadrilla Did To Cause Quakes!
Fracking “pause” would not even stop the fracking industry from doing what it did to cause recent earthquakes Continue reading

Sussex/Surrey Not Covered By Fracking “Pause”
If you live in the South East of England there is no fracking “pause” and fracking for Shale Oil in Sussex/Surrey is not covered Continue reading