Yearly Archives: 2015

Fracking Myths Debunked – Energy Security
Fracking is not a pathway to UK energy security. An average shale gas well produces 1 billion cubic feet (bcf) of gas, an average coal bed methane well (CBM) produces half of that. Divide that by UK gas consumption and you realise that we’d need to be drilling 8-10 new wells each and every day! […]

Chester community remains rig-free!
A massive Merry Winter(!!) to those who are spending today on-site at Upton Community Protection Camp. The site could be evicted at anytime. The Camp has been on a site licensed to fracking companies Dart Energy and IGas for well over a year and a half. It’s presence has defended the community from becoming a […]

Surrey shale exploration a warning for the South East
Fracking company UK Oil and Gas Investments (UKOG) have stated that the proposed well in the Surrey Hills would provide a further valuable “proof of concept” step in UKOG’s plans to exploit the Kimmeridge Clay for shale oil. This threatens the drilling of thousands of wells across the Weald. The British Geological Surveys estimateswell over […]

This one well is leaking 1,200 tons of methane daily…
Leaking wells have been a persistent and chronic problem for the oil and gas industry, contaminating land and water with toxic and carcinogenic materials, with the fraction of leaking wells growing as they age – the worst leakers being “deviated” wells commonly used for fracking. Latest coverage: NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ORGANISED! Find […]

Anti-fracking community direct action in New South Wales, Australia
Yesterday, anti-fracking campaigners from the northern rivers, NSW (Australia) joined an escalated protest against coal-seam gas mining in the Pilliga Forest at which two Coonabarabran women locked themselves by their necks to the gates of two sites near Narrabri owned by miner, Santos. Michelle Webb, a 52 year-old agricultural teacher and sixth generation farmer locked […]

Fracking reserves mapped out in Latin America
Set to be fracked: Spanning an area that includes southern Brazil and part of Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay, the Guaraní Aquifer holds 20 percent of South America’s water. Latest coverage: NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ORGANISED! Find your Local Group here… Email if you want help setting up a group in your area. […]

Fracking causes earthquakes. Latest is massive and hits British Columbia.
Fracking, and particularly the injection of fracking waste into disposal wells, is resulting in a massive increase in earthquakes in the US, including swarms of hundreds or thousands around individual wells. Latest coverage: NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ORGANISED! Find your Local Group here… Email if you want help setting up a […]

Burning millions of tonnes of coal underground might not be a great idea.
The Scottish Government’s environmental watchdog admits that it doesn’t know what level of protection its safety regulation can provide against the hazards of underground coal gasification (UCG). The risks were “sometimes unknowable”, it says in one report. Full coverage via The Ferret: What is UCG?: NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ORGANISED! Find your Local […]