Yearly Archives: 2016

Radioactive Fracking Waste May Be Destined For Stoke-on-Trent
Cuadrilla Resources are planning the largest fracking tests to date in Lancashire. The radioactive liquid waste from drilling and fracking has to go somewhere and Valley Works near Stoke-on-Trent is a possible destination. IF YOU LIVE NEAR THIS SITE PLEASE GET IN TOUCH: The Valley Works, operated by Castle Environmental in the Longport area […]

EPA Finally Confirms Fracking Risks To Drinking Water On An Unknown Scale
The U.S Environmental Protection Agency’s final report on a five-year study finds hydraulic fracturing can in fact contaminate drinking water. They found cases of effects on drinking water at each stage of the fracking water cycle, from acquisition to disposal. Due to severe data and information gaps, the agency said it could not gauge the extent […]

Fracking Jobs Are Short Term, Dirty & Damage Existing Industries
Queensland’s experiment in unconventional gas has demonstrated that there has been an enormous downside for other industries and the economic benefits promised by the gas industry largely failed to materialise. You can read the full report on the socio-economic impacts of Coal Bed Methane (CBM) in Queensland here… An organised community is THE best defence against the Fracking industry. […]

Brockham Shale Well: Fracking Trucks On Move In Surrey
Angus Energy plans to a drill a well at its Brockham site near Dorking, targeting the Kimmeridge Clay shale layer. A camp has been setup outside the site and the local people are mobilising against the threat. Continue reading

Cuadrilla’s Fracking Plans in Lancashire Have Impacts Across the UK
Cuadrilla Resources are planning the largest fracking tests to date in Lancashire. With support sites all over the UK and thousands of fracking trucks carrying millions of gallons of toxic/radioactive waste. Wherever you live in the UK you can take action to stop fracking, find out how… There are four sites already earmarked for fracking […]

Never Underestimate the Effectiveness of Organised Community Resistance
After months of sustained resistance from indigenous people at Standing Rock permission for the pipeline to cross under the Missouri River has been withheld. Now is the time for an escalation of action along the entire pipeline route, the delays could kill the project entirely. The pipeline is being built to transport 450,000 barrels of […]

Legal Observer Training – Horsham Sat Nov 26th & York Sat Dec 3rd
Green and Black Cross and the Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) are offering free legal observer training in preparation for the next wave of opposition to extreme energy extraction / fracking in the South East & Yorkshire. This is important training not just for anti-frackers and all campaigners are welcome. Legal observers are trained volunteers […]

When State & Corporate Interests Become Indistinguishable, Is Standing Rock A Taste of Things to Come?
Native American protesters are preparing to take a “last stand” against the Dakota Access pipeline after police raided their camps and arrested hundreds, paving the way for construction of the final stretch of a fracked-oil pipeline, read more… The pipeline is being built to transport 450,000 barrels of crude oil a day from the Bakken […]