Tag Archives: Fracking (Shale and Coal Bed Methane)

Fracking The Weald: The Growing Tight Oil Threat

  • Recent flow test of well at Horse Hill in Surrey
  • Company targeting Kimmeridge Clay shale
  • Tight oil similar to Bakken Shale, North Dakota
  • Fracking company UKOG planning to return
  • Statements demonstrate long term goals
  • Tight oil would require dense pattern of wells
  • Would be ‘regionally extensive’, ‘pervasive’
  • Threat of thousands of wells across region
  • Plus processing plants, pipelines, waste sites
  • UKOG strategy: Focus attention on next step
  • Trying to distract from the big picture threat
  • Need for investment forces some disclosures
  • Ultimate goal to sell to much large company
  • UKOG will seek further planning permission
  • Now is the time to get organised and resist

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Cuadrilla boss gave $30m bribe to Azerbaijan strongman

Lord Browne, president of UK fracker Cuadrilla Resources, paid an illegal $30m “sweetener” to an Azerbaijani oil company in the early 1990s, according to the Guardian’s investigative journalist Greg Palast. In his book, Vulture’s Picnic, Palast documents how an associate of Lord Browne accompanied ex-prime minister Margaret Thatcher on a “business trip” to Azerbaijan (see […]

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British Geological Survey: “Water contamination cannot be ruled out”

In a document obtained by Frack Off, the British Geological Society (BGS) admits fracking may pollute deep level water structures. The document – commissioned by Bath Council – outlines the threat of hydraulic fracturing to Bath’s thermal spa. In it, the government’s favourite fracking advisor concludes: “contamination of water resources by introduced fluids during the […]

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Cuadrilla Cock up will Cost Company Millions

Last Friday UK fracker Cuadrilla abandoned its fourth Lancashire well due to a technical cock-up. The company plans to drill a fifth well adjacent to the abandoned one, but the mistake will cost the company several million pounds. During recent drilling of the fourth well  – at Anna’s Road, Lancashire – Cuadrilla lost a test […]

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The Shale Revolution: A Peek Behind The Curtain

  • Shale being promoted as an economic miracle
  • It is claimed to have reduced US energy prices and carbon emissions
  • In reality this has all been caused by the economic crisis
  • Drop in demand reduced US coal and oil consumption by 10%
  • Coal and oil redirected through world market to countries like China
  • No world market for gas so US gas prices dropped instead
  • Shale gas production costs are way above present prices, which must rise eventually
  • Exploitation of shale is a sign of desperation
  • Shale will only ever provide small amounts of expensive and dangerous energy

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Geomechanical Study Of Bowland Shale Seismicity, Cuadrilla Resources (2011)

The plot below shows a clear correlation between Cuadrillas fracking operations at Preese Hall Lancashire and sesimic activity in the area. The small circles are seismic events. By looking at the right hand axes you can see their size. The blue line shows the volume of water and chemicals injected into the well and out […]

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Fracking Nukes: Counting the kilotons

  • First massive fracturing to produce gas
  • Used nuclear bombs at bottom of wells
  • 3 tests in US in late 1960s/early 1970s
  • Gas turned out too radioactive to sell
  • Massive hydraulic fracturing now used
  • Comparible amounts of energy expended
  • 16 well pad similar to Hiroshima bomb
  • Takes weeks rather than an instance
  • Damage to geology will be similar though

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The Economist: majority against fracking

The Economist magazine recently conducted an online survey which gathered opinions of fracking worldwide. Asking the question: “would you welcome more exploration for shale gas in your country?” a majority replied in the negative with 43.7% responding “definitely not”. The survey, which had 1116 votes cast, is published on the Economist website here.

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