Tag Archives: Resistance

GUEST BLOG: “I am sorry Ecotricity, but shopping will not save the world”

This is a personal response from a Somerset resident and member of Frack Free Somerset to Ecotricity’s offer of financial help in return for advertising space. I love this campaign. With all my heart. Since February 2012 when I first heard about unconventional gas and a new wave of industrialisation that threatened the land that […]

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Fracking Balcombe: A Threatened Community 2010-2013

In 1986 energy company Conoco drilled a conventional exploration well on the Lower Stumble site situated half a mile from Balcombe village. With the advent of high volume hydraulic fracturing, Unconventional Gas Exploration company Cuadrilla Resources returned to the site with the intention to frack for shale oil and gas. 25th Jan 2010 – Cuadrilla […]

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The Real Significance Of The Blockade At Balcombe

  • Cuadrilla drilling tight oil well in Balcombe
  • Similar to Bakken Shale in North Dakota
  • Claim well ‘unlikely’ to go into production
  • No one is celebrating with good reason
  • Battle not just about this particular well
  • Threat of thousands to follow real concern
  • Potentially 300 within 5 miles of Balcombe
  • Balcombe well will provide data to Cuadrilla
  • Allowing them to get more investment
  • They have no intention of producing anything
  • Plan to prove viable, sellout to larger company
  • With enough resistance can be made unviable
  • Wherever they try to drill, community must resist

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Balcombe Great Gas Gala – Day 1 In Pictures

Fracking company Cuadrilla Resources are trying to start drilling in Balcombe, West Sussex and the community is trying to stop them. Updates: Day 12, Day 11, Day 10, Day 9, Day 8, Day 7, Day 6, Day 5, Day 4, Day 3, Day 2, Day 1, The Great Gas Gala Website See Fracking In Balcombe: […]

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Don`t Frack Our Future – Doreen`s Story

Unconventional gas exploration is threatening the UK. Licenses have already been granted by the Government with little or no community consultation. The scale of the industrialisation and impacts are never discussed. This film charts Doreen and John’s journey from the shock of the drill rigs arrival to the sickening realisation that their lives and the […]

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Fracking In Balcombe: A Community Says No

  • Fracking threatening Sussex countryside
  • Cuadrilla have licences for 270 square miles
  • Planning permission to drill in Balcombe
  • Targeting layer within Kimmeridge Clay
  • Analogous to Bakken Shale in North Dakota
  • Would need thousands of wells to extract oil
  • Same severe impacts as in US and Australia
  • Villagers getting organised to resist invasion
  • Cuadrilla is trying to push ahead regardless
  • Need permits to start, but could be soon

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Fracking Sussex: The Threat Of Shale Oil & Gas

  • Fracking is now threatening Sussex
  • Cuadrilla has licence blocks in the east
  • Celtique Energie has blocks in the west
  • Unconventional prospects in Sussex
  • Kimmeridge Clay and deeper Lias
  • Kimmeridge is presently main target
  • Analogous to Bakken Shale in North Dakota
  • Would require drilling thousands of wells
  • Cuadrilla want to drill at Balcombe soon
  • Celtique have plans for two sites in Sussex
  • Near Fernhurst and Wisborough Green

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Community Resistance takes on The Coal Seam Gas Industry and the state in New South Wales

Coal Seam Gas (aka Coal Bed Methane, see Dart Energy’s plans for Airth Scotland) has been hitting the headlines in Australia in a big way. When Metgasco tried to establish a site at Glenugie in New South Wales local residents were quick to react and started a blockade. Metgasco’s drilling contractor AJ Lucas (who own […]

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