Tag Archives: Extreme Energy

Don`t Frack Our Future – Doreen`s Story

Unconventional gas exploration is threatening the UK. Licenses have already been granted by the Government with little or no community consultation. The scale of the industrialisation and impacts are never discussed. This film charts Doreen and John’s journey from the shock of the drill rigs arrival to the sickening realisation that their lives and the […]

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Frackademics In UK Pushing Industry Spin

  • New Durham University Pro-Shale Gas Report
  • Highlights University’s Hijacking By Industry PR
  • Authors Have Multiple Fracking Industry Links
  • Durham Energy Institute Controlled By Industry
  • ReFINE: Durham Fracking Propaganda Group
  • Links To Similar Organisations Across Europe
  • Parallels With Frackademic Scandals In US
  • Report Carefully Avoids All The Real Issues
  • No Hint Of The Scale Of Fracking Threat

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Defining Extreme Energy: A Process not a Category

  • Extreme energy often defined as a category
  • Alternative is extreme energy as a process
  • Easy to extract resources targeted first
  • As depleted, more intense extraction needed
  • Extraction effort will steadily increase
  • Energy extraction displaces other activities
  • Process has happened throughout history
  • But now the process is massively accelerating
  • Driven by unsustainable energy consumption

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North Sea gas leak one of thousands worldwide

The leak at Total’s North Sea gas well is only one of thousands of gas wells leaking worldwide. Indeed, it’s an issue the industry tries to keep quiet – although it’s known about it for a long time. In 2000, eight thousand gas leaks were found in the Gulf of Mexico by the US Mineral […]

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Energy, Climate and Cuts: A Fork in the Road

  • Extreme Energy having increasing effects
  • Both on society and the environment
  • Concept of net energy very important
  • Energy extraction taking more resources
  • Growing like a cancer within society
  • Will displace everything else if not stopped

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Extreme Energy: The Road to Nowhere

  • Extreme Energy set of new extraction methods
  • Driven by depletion of natural resources
  • Particularly the recent rise in oil prices
  • Includes Tar Sands, Deep Water Drilling and Mountain Top Removal
  • Characterised by much greater extraction effort
  • Increased destruction of environment and communities

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One third of new UK drilling licenses are for gas

Gas is the new black. Of 60 applications to drill onshore in the UK in the latest drilling round, 20 were for gas. Details of recent drilling licenses reveal one third of the applicants applied to drill for Coal Bed Methane, Shale gas and regular gas. To sort through this mess, the UK government divides […]

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