Fracking Impacts - UK Specific

Fracking in the UK would require tens of thousands of wells to be drilled, severely impact local water resources and be completely incompatible with UK’s carbon emissions targets. Continue reading

Leading UK Fracking Company, Cuadrilla Resources, Whose Site At Balcombe Was Blockaded Last Summer, Has Been Censured By The ASA And DECC (Click To Enlarge)

Water shortages may make fracking impractical, industry says (Guardian, November 2013) Fracking may be impractical in parts of the UK due to the scarcity of local water supplies, and in other areas will have an impact on local water resources, the water industry has admitted, but they are collaborating with the fracking industry anyway

Water firms raise fears over shale gas fracking (Telegraph, July 2013) Fracking for shale gas will raise the risk of water shortages and could contaminate drinking supplies with with methane gas and harmful chemicals, Britain’s water companies have claimed

Cuadrilla censured by advertising watchdog over fracking safety claims (Guardian, April 2013) Cuadrilla censured by Advertising Standards Authority for claiming that it uses “proven, safe technologies” and that fracking does not lead to water contamination

Sepa probe at coal-bed methane wells (The Herald, April 2013) The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) is launching an investigation into claims that methane is leaking from wells drilled to test for the gas in coal seams, owned by Dart Energy, near Canonbie in Dumfries and Galloway

Fracking company Cuadrilla halts operations at Lancashire drilling site (Guardian, March 2013) Cuadrilla has been warned by ministers over its “performance as a licensee” because it did not report for six months the well casing damage produced by the earthquake that it caused

UK shale gas no “get out of jail free card” (Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Feb 2013) To replace the UK’s current imports with shale gas would require up to 20,000 wells to be drilled in the next 15 years, draining an area over twice the size of Lancashire and is unlikely to result in low natural gas prices

Gas strategy should be ‘plan Z’, government’s climate adviser warns (Guardian, December 2012) Chief executive of Committee on Climate Change says a new dash for gas is ‘completely incompatible’ with UK’s legally binding carbon emissions targets and should be “plan Z”

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