Fracking Impacts - Corruption

The fracking industry spends large amounts of money on influencing various parts of society, corrupting politicians, regulators, academics, media and governments, in order to advance its agenda. Continue reading

Campaign Contributions From The Fracking Industry To Candidates For The US Senate Over The Last Decade (Click To Enlarge)

Fracking Industry Campaign Contributions At Record Levels, Report Shows (Huffington Post, November 2013) Fracking industry contributions to US congressional campaigns spiked 231 percent between 2004 and 2012 in districts and states with fracking activity, according to a report compiled by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics

Polish government accused of gagging anti-fracking groups (Responding to Climate Change, March 2013) Poland’s government is considering new legislation to limit the influence of campaign groups opposed to its fracking plans, by excluding community groups who have recently formed to oppose shale gas exploration from taking part in consultations

EPA changed course after oil company protested (Associated Press, January 2013) Environmental Protection Agency buries scientific evidence that fracking company, Range Resources, was to blame for the contamination of drinking water after the company threatened not to cooperate with a national study into fracking

Review of UT Fracking Study Finds Failure to Disclose Conflict of Interest (State Impact, December 2012) A review of a controversial University of Texas study which claimed no link between fracking and water contamination finds numerous flaws in the study and failures to disclose conflicts of interest, with the lead author sitting on the board of a drilling company for which he was paid $1.5 million

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