Fracking Impacts - Intimidation & Oppression

The fracking industry and governments in the US, Canada and Australia considers resistance by local people to be an “insurgency”, and anti-fracking groups, particularly in poorer or maginalised communities, are routinely labelled as terrorists, subjected to psychological warfare operations, intimidation and police violence. Continue reading

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Launch A Heavily Armed Dawn Assault On An Anti-Fracking Camp In New Brunswick

Fracking executive confirms: Homeland Security thinks fracktivists are terrorists (Daily Kos, November 2013) Chief Operating Officer of EagleRidge Energy turns up to a meeting with residents of Denton, Texas with an armed police escort and tells them that if they object to his company’s operations close to their homes, schools and parks, they are terrorists worthy of inclusion on the Department of Homeland Security’s watch list

Protests Sweep Canada Following Paramilitary Assault on Indigenous Fracking Blockade (Common Dreams, October 2013) Royal Canadian Mounted Police stormed the indigenous Elsipogtog Mi’kmaq First Nation anti-fracking protest, donning camouflage uniforms, wielding rifles, and brought police dogs to the site, tear gassed the crowd and violently arresting 40 people

Gas protestors stand their ground despite shots being fired (Sunshine Coast Daily, May 2013) Three shots were fired at a Tara protest against coal seam gas extraction outside a Queensland Gas Company camp near Chinchilla on the western Darling Downs

Hey CSIS, farmers are not terrorists (Tronoto Star, March 2013) People who are resisting fracking on their land and in their communities are being labelled a security threat by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the vast majority of whose spying is done within Canada under the guise of “domestic terrorism”

Fracking Insiders Admit To Employing Military ‘Psychological Operations’ On American Citizens (Business Insider, November 2011) Recordings from inside a fracking industry conference in Houston reveal that they have hired military veterans who served as psychological warfare specialists to counter the “insurgency” from local people opposed to fracking

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