Fracking takes rural communities and turns them into industrial zones, with an unprecedented industrialization of the countryside now under way in the US, where a million more wells are expected over the next few decades and in places fracking is now pushing into the suburbs once rural areas become fully exploited. Continue reading

Typical Dense Fracking Development In Western Pennsylvania With Three Wells, A Gas Processing Plant, A Waste Pit And A Compressor Station In This Small Area (Click To Enlarge)
Welcome to Gasland: Denton, Texas Residents Face Fracking Impacts From EagleRidge Energy (DeSmog Blog, December 2013) The city of Denton, Texas, is being turned into a gasland with fracking sites less than 200 feet away from people’s homes, residents complaining about toxic fumes, bright lights and noise, and fracking even taking place on the University of North Texas campus in the city
Energy Boom Puts Wells in America’s Backyards (Wall Street Journal, October 2013) More than 15 million Americans now live within one mile of a fracking well as parts of the U.S. face unprecedented industrialization with a million more wells expected over the next few decades
You Have to See It to Believe It: What It’s Like to Have Fracking in Your Backyard (Alternet, April 2013) Fracking takes rural communities and turns them into industrial zones with thousands of wells, truck traffic, accidents and road damage now something residents endure daily while operations go on around the clock, with constant noise, light and air pollution and explosions sometimes occur at well sites and pipelines
When fracking came to suburban Texas (Guardian, December 2012) Residents of Gardendale, a suburb in Texas, face having up to 300 wells in their backyards, as fracking operations are now planned or under way in suburbs, mid-sized towns and large metropolitan areas across the US