Author Archives: Tessier Ashpool

Fracking Scotland: Time To Get Organised

  • 4 Frackers focused on the Midland Valley
  • Dart Energy, INEOS, Cluff and Reach CSG
  • UK’s first production application at Airth
  • Outcome of Dart’s planning appeal imminent
  • Dart have permission to drill at Skinflats
  • Production plans for 1,300 wells in PEDL 133
  • IGas acquire Dart to access 1m acres of UK
  • 5 UCG licences already sold in Firth of Forth
  • Cluff Natural Resources plans at Largo Bay
  • More than 1 billion tons of coal targeted
  • Extraction would require over 4,000 wells
  • Plans to sell all Central Belt to frackers
  • 14th Onshore License round happening now
  • Communities getting organised to resist threat
  • Now is the time to get informed and organised

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GUEST BLOG: “I am sorry Ecotricity, but shopping will not save the world”

This is a personal response from a Somerset resident and member of Frack Free Somerset to Ecotricity’s offer of financial help in return for advertising space. I love this campaign. With all my heart. Since February 2012 when I first heard about unconventional gas and a new wave of industrialisation that threatened the land that […]

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Dart Face 90,000 Scottish Residents at Public Inquiry

  • Dart Energy facing inquiry in Scotland
  • Already kicked out of Australia by opposition
  • Applications for first UK fracking production
  • Record 2,500 objections from local people
  • Rejected by Falkirk and Stirling Councils
  • Dart appealing to Scottish Government
  • 27 community (90,000 people) fighting back
  • Threat of over 1,000 CBM wells if approved
  • Inquiry begins 18th March 2014, Falkirk
  • Lasts at least 3 weeks, no result for months
  • Meanwhile Dart turning its sights on England
  • 3-5 CBM well drilling campaign in England
  • £24m GDF Suez investment driving activity
  • Local communities are mobilising in response

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Fracking Balcombe: A Threatened Community 2010-2013

In 1986 energy company Conoco drilled a conventional exploration well on the Lower Stumble site situated half a mile from Balcombe village. With the advent of high volume hydraulic fracturing, Unconventional Gas Exploration company Cuadrilla Resources returned to the site with the intention to frack for shale oil and gas. 25th Jan 2010 – Cuadrilla […]

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The Great Gas Gala – Day 68 In Pictures

Day 68 (Mon 30th) Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex Updates: Day 57 Day 50, Day 49, Day 48, Day 47, Day 44, Day 43, Day 42, Day 41, Day 40, Day 39, Day 37, Day 35, Day 34, Day 28, Day 27, Day 26, Day 25, Day 24, Day 23, Day 22, Day 21, […]

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Don`t Frack Our Future – Doreen`s Story

Unconventional gas exploration is threatening the UK. Licenses have already been granted by the Government with little or no community consultation. The scale of the industrialisation and impacts are never discussed. This film charts Doreen and John’s journey from the shock of the drill rigs arrival to the sickening realisation that their lives and the […]

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20 Impact of Unconventional Gas Technologies

These resources are designed to be used by anyone.  20 images have been  selected to represent 20 inescapable impacts of each unconventional gas extraction technology. The images can be used in presentations, talks and workshops in digital format or can be printed out and used as stimulus material for discussion. Large format A3 versions of […]

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Newsnight fails Scotland on Dart Energy Threat

Why is it that Scotlands flagship news program completely missed the story? If you compare the content and tone of the 12 minute BBC piece with one and half minutes from 7 News in Australia the differences are stark. The real story in Scotland: 2014 UPDATE here… An Australian company called Dart Energy want to […]

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