Tag Archives: Underground Coal Gasification

Underground Coal Gasification Collapse Shows Fragility Of Fracking

  • Newcastle based UCG company collapses
  • Despite £1 billion in loan guarantees
  • Could not find backers after 8 years
  • Big victory for communities UK-wide
  • Made UCG brand as toxic as its reality
  • Rebrand as “deep gas winning” failed
  • Licences will be picked up by others
  • But sets precedent, industry can be beaten
  • Shows fragility of fracking industry
  • Shale industry in US also in chaos
  • Fracking can be starved of investment
  • Community resistance key to success

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Underground Coal Gasification: Secret Talks In Warwickshire As Public Revolts In Wales

Warwickshire County Council has been engaging in secret talks (Coventry Telegraph) with Cluff Natural Resources, a company with plans to conduct underground coal gasification (UCG) under the county. UCG involves drilling into coal seams, using similar horizontal drilling technology to shale gas/oil and coal bed methane (CBM) extraction, injecting air/oxygen and setting fire to the […]

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Creeping Inferno: Underground Coal Gasification Threat Comes Onshore

  • New UCG licence application submitted
  • Onshore in Warwickshire countryside
  • 24 licences in UK already given away
  • All blocks just off the coast up until now
  • Could open door for UCG to move onshore
  • UCG involves burning coal underground
  • Toxic/Carcinogenic tars are a byproduct
  • Long history of contaminating groundwater
  • Large amounts of toxic waste produced
  • Larger area, including Coventry, threatened

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Underground Coal Gasification: Creating Hell On Earth

  • UCG involves burning coal underground
  • Same drilling technology as Shale/CBM
  • Produces Syngas (similar to Town Gas)
  • Toxic/Carcinogenic tars are byproduct
  • Process out in open environment
  • Small scale trials in past decades
  • Resulted in serious water contamination
  • Plans to burn billions of tons of coal
  • Would guarantee climate catastrophe
  • 24 UCG licenses approved around coast
  • Onshore licence being considered now

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20 Impact of Unconventional Gas Technologies

These resources are designed to be used by anyone.  20 images have been  selected to represent 20 inescapable impacts of each unconventional gas extraction technology. The images can be used in presentations, talks and workshops in digital format or can be printed out and used as stimulus material for discussion. Large format A3 versions of […]

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Wells, Wells And More Fracking Wells

  • Fracking requires large numbers of wells
  • Conventional well can drain large area
  • For impermeable rock many wells required
  • Often 8 wells per square mile or more
  • Tens of thousands drilled in US already
  • Largest onshore gas field in UK was 8 wells
  • Fracking companies play down the scale
  • What they say to investors most accurate
  • Well numbers can be estimated from reserves
  • Adds up to tens of thousands of wells across UK
  • Plus pads, pipelines, compressor stations etc.

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PRESS RELEASE: Residents Say No To Burning Coal Under Swansea Bay

Residents from Swansea teamed up with activist group Frack Off this morning to protest against Underground Coal Gasification outside an industry conference in central London [1].   Swansea Bay has been chosen by extraction company Clean Coal Ltd as a test site for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)[2], the controversial method of gasifying un-minable coal by […]

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Underground Coal Gasification: Hellfire and Damnation

  • UCG involves burning coal underground
  • Uses same drilling technology as shale gas
  • Previous tests resulted in serious water contamination
  • Large scale use would guarantee climate catastrophe
  • 24 UCG licenses approved around Britain
  • Swansea Bay likely to be site of first tests

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