Tag Archives: Resistance
Anti-fracking activists storm Cuadrilla rig for second time in a month
Activists have settled in for a long-term occupation of Cuadrilla’s drilling rig in Hesketh Banks, Lancashire for the second time in a month. The controversial proposed fracking site was shut down This morning as 8 Bristol cyclists stormed the drilling rig. Three of the climate justice campaigners from Bristol Rising Tide scaled the rig with […]
Press Release: Anti-Fracking Day of Action, as Cuadrilla’s Report Confirms that Fracking Causes Earthquakes
E-mail: media@frack-off.org Phone: Nathan- 07858614861 Twitter: @frack_off Website: www.frack-off.org Yesterday saw a day of anti-fracking action as ‘Frack Off’ activists stormed a drilling rig in the morning and staged a ‘frack mob’ in the afternoon. At 5.30 this morning, nine members of anti-fracking network Frack Off halted work at Cuadrilla Resources drilling site in […]
Press Release: Natural Gas Drilling Rig Stormed by Anti-Fracking Protesters
This morning nine people from the national anti-fracking network Frack Off have halted work at Cuadrilla Resources’ drilling site in Hesketh Bank, Lancashire. They ran on to the fracking site early this morning and scaled the drilling rig using climbing equipment. They aim to sit on top of the drilling rig for as long as […]
Communities resisting fossil fuel extraction
While fossil fuel use trashes our planet and threatens our future, communities local to extraction sites suffer the health effects of extraction: Recent studies have shown high rates of asthma, certain cancers and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in communities near opencast coal mines, who suffer from exposure to dust and machinery diesel fumes. The effects […]
Press Release: Anti-fracking protesters plan to shut down an industry environmental summit.
E-mail: media@frack-off.org Phone: 07931195505 Twitter: @frack_off Website: www.frack-off.org Anti-fracking protesters plan to shut down £1500-a-ticket industry summit National anti-fracking network ‘Frack Off’ have called for the UK’s first mass action against fracking at a Shale Gas Environmental Summit. On Wednesday 2nd November at 3pm, protesters will meet outside the Copthorne Tara Hotel with gas masks, […]
Frack Off (London) put pressure on in the big city
So. Today our friends from Cuadrilla had a meeting with the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). They were there to present the results of their ‘earthquake study’ into their geomechanical operations, and report on how they plan to minimise the possibility of earthquakes. Note, by the way, that I call it ‘their’ earthquake […]
Campaigners Tell Cuadrilla to Frack Off
Anti-fracking group ‘Frack Off – London’ rallied outside the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) today where industry pioneers ‘Cuadrilla Resources’ were presenting of the results of their earthquake study. The campaigners staged a mock confrontation with ‘Cuadrilla professionals’ to protest against the dangers of fracking. Hydraulic Fracturing, or ‘fracking’ is a controversial method […]