The Great Gas Gala – Day 54 In Pictures

Day 54 (Mon 16th) Of Community Fracking Blockade In Balcombe Sussex

Updates: Day 50, Day 49, Day 48, Day 47, Day 44, Day 43, Day 42, Day 41, Day 40, Day 39, Day 37, Day 35, Day 34, Day 28, Day 27, Day 26, Day 25, Day 24, Day 23, Day 22, Day 21, Day 20, Day 19, Day 18, Day 15, Day 13, Day 12, Day 11, Day 10, Day 9, Day 8, Day 7, Day 6, Day 5, Day 4, Day 3, Day 2, Day 1, The Great Gas Gala Website

Fracking company Cuadrilla Resources are trying to start drilling in Balcombe, West Sussex and the community is trying to stop them. Over 250 people stopped 15 trucks bring on equipment on Day 1 (Thurs). On Day 2 more than 100 police were used to break the blockade and escort trucks onto the fracking site. On Day 3 the community continued to resist attempts to force trucks through the blockade but gave up early afternoon. On Day 4 Cudrilla did not attempt to bring any trucks onto the site. On Day 5 Cuadrilla continued to try to push trucks through the blockade and the community have continued to resist. Camp is still going strong and renewed efforts are being made to defend Balcombe. See Fracking In Balcombe: A Community Says No for background to issues involved. Scroll down for photos.

Update (12:30pm): Case adjourned to 8th October with costs provisionally awarded against West Sussex County Council, whose case was deeply flawed and did not address any the mains issues like right to protest.

Update (10am): The Community Protection Camp in Balcombe is in High Court in London today. West Sussex County Council are seeking a possession order for the grass verges where the camp in order to help Cuadrilla try to disrupt the blockade.

Update (9am): Day 54 of the community fracking blockade in Balcombe. Come down and support the fight against fracking.

Protectors Continuing To Resist Cuadrilla’s Fracking Trucks In Balcombe

Protectors Continuing To Resist Cuadrilla’s Fracking Trucks In Balcombe

One Of The Younger Protectors Takes A Break On The Trampoline In The Kids Space At Community Protection Camp In Balcombe

Support For Camp Outside The High Court In London

Support For Camp Outside The High Court In London

Support For Camp Outside The High Court In London

Relaxed Morning At Community Protection Camp In Balcombe

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