Category Archives: News

Cuadrilla sent back to the drawing board

Cuadrilla sent back to the drawing board

After admitting causing earthquakes last year, UK fracker Cuadrilla’s plans were dealt a blow last week as the company was told to conduct more seismic testing. The company estimates this will cost an extra £1.5m. Since a test frack caused an earthquake in 2011, the UK government has been liaising with the US-led fracker about […]

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Fracking regulations under scrutiny by UK government

Fracking regulations under scrutiny by UK government

On 4 Feb The Times revealed that the UK government is conducting a review of the regulations surrounding Hydraulic Fracturing. In contrast to earlier ministerial assurances that fracking requires no extra regulation, the government, Environment Agency and Health and Safety Executive are examining risks of water contamination and other issues associated with Hydraulic Fracturing. Tony […]

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Cuadrilla boss mauled at West Sussex public meeting

Cuadrilla boss Mark Miller received a tongue lashing at a public meeting in Balcombe, West Sussex, last night. 300 people – including 100 standing – packed Balcombe’s Victory hall to hear the Cuadrilla CEO expound on the company’s controversial Hydraulic Fracturing technique, scheduled to take place a mile from the village. (Listen to a recording […]

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Fifty Attend fracking meeting in Brighton

Fifty people attended last night’s meeting on Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) at Community Base in Brighton. The meeting, hosted by South Coast Climate Camp, watched the Ecologist film ‘video‘ and listened to a presentation on plans for fracking in the UK.   Fracking, which in has caused earthquakes in Lancashire and extensive ground water contamination in the […]

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Fracking lobbyists forged letters and posed as students

Many thanks to Powerbase for much of the source material for this post. Fracking lobbyists PPS Group are often to be found desperately spinning the frackers’ message. Yet the handsome offices of the Mayfair-based PPS belie a dark underside – the company has regularly been accused of using underhand tactics to mislead the public. On […]

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Poland: Fracking opponents block shale gas conference

Last week Polish activists disrupted the “Shale Gas World Europe 2011” conference in Warsaw. Below we republish their press release in it’s entirety… and don’t miss this inspiring video of their action. “We will do everything to assure that protests are not able to stop shale gas exploration in Poland.” – Bernard Błaszczyk, Vice Minister […]

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Anti-fracking activists storm Cuadrilla rig for second time in a month

Anti-fracking activists storm Cuadrilla rig for second time in a month

Activists have settled in for a long-term occupation of Cuadrilla’s drilling rig in Hesketh Banks, Lancashire for the second time in a month. The controversial proposed fracking site was shut down This morning as 8 Bristol cyclists stormed the drilling rig. Three of the climate justice campaigners from Bristol Rising Tide scaled the rig with […]

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Press Release: Anti-Fracking Day of Action, as Cuadrilla’s Report Confirms that Fracking Causes Earthquakes


 Phone:     Nathan- 07858614861 Twitter: @frack_off 

 Yesterday saw a day of anti-fracking action as ‘Frack Off’ activists stormed a drilling rig in the morning and staged a ‘frack mob’ in the afternoon. At 5.30 this morning, nine members of anti-fracking network Frack Off halted work at Cuadrilla Resources drilling site in […]

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