Fifty Attend fracking meeting in Brighton

Fifty people attended last night’s meeting on Hydraulic Fracturing (fracking) at Community Base in Brighton. The meeting, hosted by South Coast Climate Camp, watched the Ecologist film ‘video‘ and listened to a presentation on plans for fracking in the UK.


Fracking, which in has caused earthquakes in Lancashire and extensive ground water contamination in the US, is spreading in this country. ‘Earthquake firm’ Cuadrilla – who admit causing fifty seismic events in Lancashire – has plans to frack in Balcombe,West Sussex.

Cuadrilla has gained planning permission at Balcombe, including a provision to pump thousands of gallons of water and chemicals into the ground in an effort to crack underground structures and release gas. The Australian and Cayman Islands-owned firm has also prepared a drill pad and dug  a preparatory hole one mile south of the village.

Smiley face

The meeting discussed ways to resist Cuadrilla’s unwelcome threat to Balcombe’s water and geological substructure. Action points from the meeting ranged from writing to MPs to taking direct action, as well as contacting water companies and reaching out to local community groups. The next meeting will be held 4 January, 7.30pm, at Brighton University buildings, Grand Parade, Brighton.

To get involved join the Facebook group No Fracking in Sussex – see here for more info on fracking in Balcombe.

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