Author Archives: admin

PRESS RELEASE: Residents Say No To Burning Coal Under Swansea Bay

Residents from Swansea teamed up with activist group Frack Off this morning to protest against Underground Coal Gasification outside an industry conference in central London [1].   Swansea Bay has been chosen by extraction company Clean Coal Ltd as a test site for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)[2], the controversial method of gasifying un-minable coal by […]

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Guest Blog: For the New Year: A Warning from the Fracked States of America:

A blog all the way from America. Anti-fracking campaigners from the US give their own perspective, and warn the UK campaign about those who might pretend to be on our side. Look out for certain politicians and environmentalists posing as our allies. The politicians may say that they find fracking unconscionable, abominable, crazy etc. but […]

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Poland: Fracking opponents block shale gas conference

Last week Polish activists disrupted the “Shale Gas World Europe 2011” conference in Warsaw. Below we republish their press release in it’s entirety… and don’t miss this inspiring video of their action. “We will do everything to assure that protests are not able to stop shale gas exploration in Poland.” – Bernard Błaszczyk, Vice Minister […]

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Anti-fracking activists storm Cuadrilla rig for second time in a month

Activists have settled in for a long-term occupation of Cuadrilla’s drilling rig in Hesketh Banks, Lancashire for the second time in a month. The controversial proposed fracking site was shut down This morning as 8 Bristol cyclists stormed the drilling rig. Three of the climate justice campaigners from Bristol Rising Tide scaled the rig with […]

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Frack Mob Video

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Press Release: Anti-Fracking Day of Action, as Cuadrilla’s Report Confirms that Fracking Causes Earthquakes


 Phone:     Nathan- 07858614861 Twitter: @frack_off 

 Yesterday saw a day of anti-fracking action as ‘Frack Off’ activists stormed a drilling rig in the morning and staged a ‘frack mob’ in the afternoon. At 5.30 this morning, nine members of anti-fracking network Frack Off halted work at Cuadrilla Resources drilling site in […]

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Communities resisting fossil fuel extraction

While fossil fuel use trashes our planet and threatens our future, communities local to extraction sites suffer the health effects of extraction: Recent studies have shown high rates of asthma, certain cancers and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in communities near opencast coal mines, who suffer from exposure to dust and machinery diesel fumes.  The effects […]

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Fracking with our food supply

Fracking may create a few jobs in the energy industry, but it will also put farmers’ and growers’ livelihoods at risk: “Walking through the village of Hesketh Bank in West Lancashire, you can see why the residents are so proud of this green belt area. At the village’s busy agricultural show people repeatedly emphasised how […]

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