Tag Archives: US

Fracking pollutes groundwater: damning new data

                            A little-known US government database shows conclusively that fracking forces gas and chemicals into sources of groundwater. This directly contradicts senior British ministers, US government officials and the fracking industry who have repeatedly denied links between fracking and contaminated water supplies. […]

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Debunking the US Emissions Myth: It`s the Economy Stupid

  • Shale being promoted as an economic miracle
  • Claimed to have reduced US carbon emissions
  • In reality caused by the economic crisis
  • Demand drop reduced US coal and oil use
  • Similar falls in UK and other countries
  • Coal and oil redirected to China etc.
  • Not practical for US gas so prices low
  • Gas production temporarily continued to grow
  • Due to variety of slow to change factors
  • Cannot continue as companies loosing money
  • Shale gas is expensive, dirty and short term

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“People were lighting the streets on fire”: 25th anniversary of Coal Bed Methane evacuation

2012 marks the 25th anniversary of the forced evacuation of a small village in Wyoming, USA following Coal Bed Methane (CBM) operations nearby. “It’s just kind of strange driving by all those empty houses and knowing what they have been and were worth. We bought the first home out there. We’ve lost it all. Everything […]

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