Tag Archives: Land North Of Preston New Road

Pictures Reveal Scale of Preston New Road Pipeline Works

This picture overlays Cuadrilla’s proposed Preston New Road site with United Utilities pipeline work. The site and access track will cover a large area of two fields. 190m of hedgerow and two trees will have to be removed to establish the road access. Access westbound on the A583 will be at the east end of […]

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New Lancashire Threat: Cuadrilla`s Fracking Plans

  • Cuadrilla submits new planning application
  • Large pad with 4 horizontal shale gas wells
  • Plan to be drilled and fracked over 2 years
  • Second site nearby, application public soon
  • Plans tailored to hide impacts at this stage
  • Trying to advance project without opposition
  • But application reveals many lurking issues
  • Would become critical at production stage
  • One site takes 7% of region’s spare water
  • Full scale fracking would overwhelm system
  • Threat to water supply of 6.6 million people
  • Site would use 65% of fracking waste capacity
  • Vast new frac waste disposal system needed
  • Most waste not treatable, would accumulate
  • Site requires over 20,000 vehicle movements
  • Production needs water/waste storage ponds
  • Wake up call for communities to get organised

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