Tag Archives: Impacts

Fracking DOES cause earthquakes – a battle won in a wider war

Today’s announcement that UK fracker Cuadrilla caused earthquakes at the site of its two test wells is a victory for all fracking activists. Today’s British Geological Survey confirms what activists have been saying for months. Cuadrilla are putting together a report as to how they will avoid causing earthquakes when they drill. In reality their […]

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Cuadrilla`s Three Casings Gambit

Anyone who has been exposed to much of Cuadrilla Resources‘ public relations campaign to persuade people that what they are doing is not very bad is likely to have come across some sort of variant of there might have been a few problems in the US but we use three casings on our wells so […]

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What fracking chemicals does Cuadrilla use?

The short answer to that only Cuadrilla Resources, and perhaps its contractors, know and they have not been particularly forthcoming on this question, while simultaneously proclaiming that they are being extremely open on the issue. Some information is available on Cuadrilla’s website but that does not seem to be entirely consistent with what the have […]

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Caudrilla: fracking fluids available at Tesco

In Cuadrilla’s February submission to parliament, the company points out it’s fracking fluids are found in nappies, glass cleaner, salt, and bleach. Even salad cream gets a mention. Reading the submission you’d imagine the company simply nips down to the local superstore to get its chemicals. In reality this attempt at normalising fracking fluids is […]

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Some more things wrong with fracking!

Just in case you were worried that the staged PR blitz by Cuadrilla Resources, announcing a huge find of shale gas under Lancashire, to try to keep one of its main investors off life support, meant that there isn’t any horribly depressing articles cataloging problems with fracking to read, we bring you a choice selection […]

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PRESS RELEASE: National Anti-Fracking Network tells Cuadrilla Resources to “Frack Off”

On Wednesday, as  Cuadrilla Resources call a press conference to announce the results of their drilling for shale gas in Lancashire, the national anti-fracking network, Frack Off, demands an end to hydraulic fracturing for shale gas or “fracking” in the UK. In the United States fracking has caused a huge catalogue of problems including poisoning […]

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Fracking might soon be taking place on everyone’s doorstep

My involvement in the Frack Off campaign didn’t really make sense until I arrived in Lancashire yesterday, laid eyes on Cuadrilla’s drilling site at Banks for the first time and met the local people directly affected. Attending meetings in Brighton and hearing about the work other activists were doing at the other end of the […]

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