Tag Archives: Impacts

Guest Blog by Residents Action On Fylde Fracking (RAFF) – So its one rule for us and none for them

Environment Agency Exempt Cuadrilla From Permit Licence The Environment Agency (EA) has rolled over and granted Cuadrilla permission to move the 18,000 gallons of radioactive flowback sludge that has been stored at Preece Hall, following fracking activity there last year. The sludge was too radioactive to move under current EA regulations. Those same regulations still […]

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North Sea gas leak one of thousands worldwide

The leak at Total’s North Sea gas well is only one of thousands of gas wells leaking worldwide. Indeed, it’s an issue the industry tries to keep quiet – although it’s known about it for a long time. In 2000, eight thousand gas leaks were found in the Gulf of Mexico by the US Mineral […]

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Womad sponsor leaked Benzene into groundwater

A sponsor of the international Womad festival leaked benzene, ethylbenzene and xylene into ground water in New Zealand. Fracking company Shell Todd found the chemicals under storage pits at its site in Taranaki. Todd Energy sponsored one of the main music stages at Womad New Zealand 2012. Shell was also a major sponsor. The company […]

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Fracken Sie Deutsch?

Video 1 – ARD Munich Report – Cancer clusters around RWE Frack sites (English Sub) Whilst shale gas exploration is a relatively new phenomena in the UK, it seems that the oil and gas industry has been busy fracking up Europe for some time. I saw a link to the film below only last week […]

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Fracking regulations under scrutiny by UK government

On 4 Feb The Times revealed that the UK government is conducting a review of the regulations surrounding Hydraulic Fracturing. In contrast to earlier ministerial assurances that fracking requires no extra regulation, the government, Environment Agency and Health and Safety Executive are examining risks of water contamination and other issues associated with Hydraulic Fracturing. Tony […]

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Guest Blog: For the New Year: A Warning from the Fracked States of America:

A blog all the way from America. Anti-fracking campaigners from the US give their own perspective, and warn the UK campaign about those who might pretend to be on our side. Look out for certain politicians and environmentalists posing as our allies. The politicians may say that they find fracking unconscionable, abominable, crazy etc. but […]

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Press Release: Anti-Fracking Day of Action, as Cuadrilla’s Report Confirms that Fracking Causes Earthquakes

E-mail: media@frack-off.org

 Phone:     Nathan- 07858614861 Twitter: @frack_off 

Website: www.frack-off.org
 Yesterday saw a day of anti-fracking action as ‘Frack Off’ activists stormed a drilling rig in the morning and staged a ‘frack mob’ in the afternoon. At 5.30 this morning, nine members of anti-fracking network Frack Off halted work at Cuadrilla Resources drilling site in […]

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Communities resisting fossil fuel extraction

While fossil fuel use trashes our planet and threatens our future, communities local to extraction sites suffer the health effects of extraction: Recent studies have shown high rates of asthma, certain cancers and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in communities near opencast coal mines, who suffer from exposure to dust and machinery diesel fumes.  The effects […]

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