Brightoners unveil huge anti-fracking banner at city station

Brightoners recently unveiled a bus-sized banner at the city’s station.

Raising awareness about the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing, the banner – over 22 square metres – was hand painted by fifteen people at CRAFT – Creative Resistance Against the Fracking Threat.

Hydraulic fracturing injects millions of gallons of chemicals and water into the ground to release gas. In the US it’s been linked to extensive water pollution.

CRAFT member Ben Johns said: “Here in the South fracking companies have permission to drill at Balcombe in West Sussex, Lingfield in Surrey plus Deal and Woodnesborough in Kent.

Sites are planned across the UK, including in Lancashire, Surrey, Sussex and Kent. Scientists in the US have linked fracking to water pollution. It’s caused earthquakes in Lancashire. This is totally unacceptable for the home counties.”

The banner will be in place for four months at the station, in full view of trains from London and the South East.

Photo: Alex Smart

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