Tag Archives: Yorkshire
Ineos Gamble Takes UK Fracking Threat To Unprecedented Levels
Don’t be fooled by Ineos executives talk of a “science stage” and “testing”. They are currently putting together equipment and logistics for a full scale invasion of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire & Rotherham in an attempt to source gas for their chemicals business. For a long time there has been a concern that if the fracking industry […]
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Tagged East Midlands, North West, Yorkshire
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Fracking Yorkshire: Cuadrilla Rig On Rathlin Site
- Rathlin Energy push fracking in East Yorkshire
- Returns to West Newton site drilled last year
- 40 HGV’s escorted by 100 police swoop on site
- Planning mini-frac on the Bowland Shale layer
- Aims to test if the shale layer can be fractured
- Cuadrilla’s fracking rig now erected on the site
- Rented to Rathlin to conduct the mini-frac test
- More oil & gas companies getting into fracking
- Community at Crawberry Hill under same threat
- Camps supporting blockades outside both sites
- 150 people march in nearby town of Beverley
- Communities mobilising to resist this threat
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Tagged Cuadrilla, PR Marriott, Rathlin, Yorkshire
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Seismic Surveys: The Fracking Spearhead
- Frackers planning new seismic surveys
- IGas survey done already in East Midlands
- Now plans for survey at Glazebury, Warrington
- Aurora planning survey near Formby in May
- Survey data used to facilitate future fracking
- Survey process itself can be highly intrusive
- Impacts from noise to structural damage
- Involves coating area in cables, geophones etc.
- Explosives often used to create sound waves
- Companies trespass on gardens and fields
- Surveys have spawned global resistance
- From tearing up cables to blocking roads
- Informed, organised communities crucial
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Tagged North West, Seismic Survey, Yorkshire
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Fracking Yorkshire: Rathlin Energy`s Plans Revealed
- Rathlin Energy have licence in East Yorkshire
- Openly exploring for conventional oil and gas
- Sneakily drilled 2 wells through Bowland Shale
- Now planning small test fracks on shale layer
- Producing 100,000 gallons of radioactive waste
- No information on where this would be dumped
- Would flare 5 million cubic feet of gas per day
- Producing toxic and carcinogenic air pollutants
- Aims to gather data for full hydraulic fracturing
- Could mean up to 3,000 wells in the licence
- Application for similar well in Northern Ireland
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Tagged Land South West Of Crawberry Hill, Rathlin, Yorkshire
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Fracking Yorkshire: Cuadrilla`s Bit On The Side
- Cuadrilla sneaking into Yorkshire
- Drilling rig at site in Kirby Misperton
- Well drilled for other company, Third Energy
- Passes though conventional gas field
- But goes deeper into Bowland Shale
- Unknown agreement between companies
- Threatens thousands of fracking wells
- Dart and Rathlin also in Yorkshire
- Communities getting organised to resist
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Tagged Cuadrilla, Yorkshire, Kirby Misperton
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Coal Bed Methane: The Evil Twin of Shale Gas
Coal Bed Methane (CBM), sometimes called Coal Seam Gas (mainly in Australia), is Shale Gas’s less well known but equally destructive sibling in “the family” of extreme energy methods. Where once, if a coal seam was too deep, too thin or too fractured to mine that was the end of it, now with rising energy […]
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