Tag Archives: System Failure

Frackademics In UK Pushing Industry Spin

  • New Durham University Pro-Shale Gas Report
  • Highlights University’s Hijacking By Industry PR
  • Authors Have Multiple Fracking Industry Links
  • Durham Energy Institute Controlled By Industry
  • ReFINE: Durham Fracking Propaganda Group
  • Links To Similar Organisations Across Europe
  • Parallels With Frackademic Scandals In US
  • Report Carefully Avoids All The Real Issues
  • No Hint Of The Scale Of Fracking Threat

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Browne waves willy: but can Cuadrilla progress with just one borehole?

Cuadrilla Chairman and government employee John Browne has been out in public recently. In an interview with the UK’s Guardian, the Cabinet Office non-executive said he would invest “as much as it takes” to launch shale gas in the UK. Unsurprisingly, the Fracking Czar began blowing his trumpet just as Cuadrilla entered final negotiations with […]

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Government “Open for Consultation” but moving decision making further away from the people

The Government have two “Open Consultations” about “Nationally Significant Infrastructure Planning” which close on the 7th Jan. The first is about “Extending the regime to business and commercial projects”, projects that are not nationally significant or infrastructure. The list includes large office developments, manufacturing and storage facilities, conference and exhibition centres, Leisure, tourism, sports and recreation […]

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Cuadrilla are free to frack: Osborne’s plans on shale gas

A lot of noise has been created around George Osborne’s plans for shale gas. A detailed look, however, shows many holes and a tendency to shy away from difficult questions. This DECC document (see Chapter 5) reveals details about possible new regulation, the operation of the next oil and gas licensing round, as well as […]

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HSBC – The Fracking Bank & Another Fracking Lord

If you thought that the fracking industry was confined to “Lancashire” you would be wrong. Behind all of the unconventional energy developments around the world you will find a trail of money put up by investors and financiers. The money flows through many hands and institutions and in some cases leads directly to the high […]

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Gas Mafia infiltrates ‘Greenest Government Ever`

As activists enter their fifth day protesting atop a UK gas power station the government remains wedded to a ‘dash for gas’. Why? The answer lies with a powerful group of advisors, donors, non-executive directors and ministers with postitions in – or access to – central government: the gas mafia. All these mafia dons have current […]

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Dart shareholder hired hitman, broke sanctions & paid Tories £550,000

The company planning 22 Scottish coal bed methane gas wells – Dart Energy – has a dark secret. One of the company’s owners – Bob Finch- paid a Serbian war criminal $1m to enforce a business deal in 2001. In 2001 Finch travelled to Serbia an hired a notorious Serb hitman – Arkan – to […]

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Three lords and one Baroness – frackings vested interests inside government

The House of Lords is emerging as a powerful pro-fracking advocate inside government. Three Lords – Lord Green, Lord Howell and Lord Browne – and one Baroness – Baroness Hogg – each have financial interests in the fracking industry. And each holds either ministerial or executive rank at some of Whitehall’s most powerful departments: the […]

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