Tag Archives: Dart Energy

Wells, Wells And More Fracking Wells

  • Fracking requires large numbers of wells
  • Conventional well can drain large area
  • For impermeable rock many wells required
  • Often 8 wells per square mile or more
  • Tens of thousands drilled in US already
  • Largest onshore gas field in UK was 8 wells
  • Fracking companies play down the scale
  • What they say to investors most accurate
  • Well numbers can be estimated from reserves
  • Adds up to tens of thousands of wells across UK
  • Plus pads, pipelines, compressor stations etc.

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First UK fracking leak as Dart Energy wells fail

The Scottish Herald today reported the UK’s first fracking leak – at Coal Bed Methane (CBM) wells near Canonbie in Scotland. The leak – at wells owned by Dart Energy – confirm anecdotal evidence from locals who have – over the last two years – periodically noticed gas in their water supply. The leak is […]

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New document shows fracking at Airth for six years

Residents of Airth have been exposed to fracking for nearly 6 years, an internal government document reveals. The document, recently discovered by Frack Off Scotland, shows that wells at Airth were fracked as early as 1997. In December the owner of the Airth site, Dart Energy, refused to answer when locals asked if the driller […]

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Huge gas plans for Airth: 100 wells, compulsory purchase orders and fracking not ruled out

Driller Dart Energy revealed some shocking truths at a meeting in the small Scottish village of Airth last night. Company representatives told an appalled audience they planned up to 100 wells in the area, representing a huge increase over previously announced plans. Angry residents pointedly asked whether fracking would be used as Dart drills for […]

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Auschwitz to be drilled for gas

The sickening heedlessness of the contemporary fossil fuel industry is highlighted by the revelation that Scottish driller Dart Energy – with 22 coal bed methane wells in planning in Scotland – is also exploring for gas “not a stone’s throw” from the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz, Poland. It is perfectly possible Dart is drilling […]

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Gas Mafia infiltrates ‘Greenest Government Ever`

As activists enter their fifth day protesting atop a UK gas power station the government remains wedded to a ‘dash for gas’. Why? The answer lies with a powerful group of advisors, donors, non-executive directors and ministers with postitions in – or access to – central government: the gas mafia. All these mafia dons have current […]

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Driller`s wells produce carcinogenic water

The Coal Bed Methane (CBM) operator behind the UK’s largest onshore gas development, Dart Energy, has found its old CBM wells in Australia are now producing carcinogenic water. 50% of Dart’s 7-year-old wells in Dalby, Queensland were found to be leaking by the Queensland government. Tests showed high levels of benzene, toluene, ethylene and xylene […]

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The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) let Australian gas driller self regulate!

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) are handling Australian gas drillers Dart Energy like a baby wombat when in fact they have more in common with a massively destructive fossil fuel industry. Dart Energy have run into problems at Fullerton Cove in New South Wales but have been pumping water and methane out of coal seams […]

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