Pennsylvania Communities Invaded: Armed Guards For Fracking Pipeline
Fracking pipeline construction has started in Pennsylvania. Guarded by heavily armed U.S. federal marshals, crews begin felling trees on land seized from local people. The Constitution Pipeline is planned to stretch 124 miles across the Pennsylvania-New York border carrying gas from the Marcellus Shale. For more information on the month-long stand-off with the community that lead up to this point see “No Constitution Pipeline in PA”.
An additional 4,600 miles of new interstate pipelines are planned. They will tunnel under Pennsylvania’s farms, wetlands, waterways, and backyards. The fracking industry is likely to require another 20-25,000 miles of gathering lines to take gas from the well heads to the major pipelines.
Fracking requires thousands of miles of pipelines, roads, drilling pads and related infrastructure which is having a massive impact on communities. Even though Marcellus production is falling and the pipeline company is in crisis, construction is pushing blindly ahead. Read more…
An organised community is THE best defence against the Fracking industry. Get our step-by-step guides and start planning an effective Anti-Fracking campaign where you live here…
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