Industry Executives Face Jail In Underground Coal Gasification Trial
Linc Energy has been fined $4.5 million for polluting 320 square kilometers of the Darling Downs in Queensland Australia with hazardous contaminants but it is unlilely that the fine will ever be paid.
The area used for this small test project is tiny in comparison to the massive licence areas issued for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) around the UK. Currently the companies that hold these licences, Five Quarters Energy and Cluff Natural Resources have pulled the plug on all UK projects but the licence areas and the threat still exists.
This court case in Australia is unlikely to result in any significant repercussions for people that ran the company unless a number of other cases against Linc executives are succesful! These claims including the $72m cleanup are considered a key test of the Queensland government’s ability to hold the people behind extreme energy companies to account for their criminal actions.
Read more: Independent Australia Article
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Check our map to see all UK Fracking and Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) licence areas >>Here<<
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