Each and every fracking well produces millions of gallons of waste… it’s all toxic.
The quantities of toxic and radioactive waste being produced by fracking, are overwhelming the limited capacity of treatment plants, which cannot remove all contaminants in any case, and combined with spilling and dumping is contaminating land, waterways and groundwater.
Latest research: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0041008X15300375
Read more about fracking waste here: https://frack-off.org.uk/mounting-evidence-the-harm-caused-by-fracking/#waste
Read more about the stages of fracking here…
An organised community is THE best defence against the Fracking industry. Get our step-by-step guides and start planning an effective Anti-Fracking campaign where you live here…
See a map of all current UK Fracking Licences here…
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