Community Organising Gets the Goods – Investors Pull Out at Woodburn Forest!
NEWSFLASH FROM STOP THE DRILL: We are now learning that a number of investors pulled out of drilling at Woodburn Forest! It is becoming clear that this is a massive victory for the Stop The Drill Campaign, local residents and all who objected to drilling in Woodburn.
The drill left Woodburn Forest today and we are now learning that some of the joint venture partners withdrew from funding it further. In their statement Petro River Oil states “A majority of the well participants supported drilling deeper, however several of the other well participants declined, and the decision was made to plug and abandon the well.” Baron Oil note that Infrastrata encountered “difficult circumstances” in Woodburn Forest. It is very clear that if this drill had gone forward as a planning application it would have failed. The opposition to this drill was clear with the the campaign receiving the backing of Unions, a Belfast City Council motion calling for a review of the rights to drill in this protected water catchment, strong media coverage along with local, national and international support.
We are absolutely delighted that the drill left Woodburn Forest today. We will continue to monitor the clean up at this much loved forest and to campaign for better water protection here. Read more…
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