UK Fracking Traffic – 4 x A6 Flyers

Fracking requires massive amounts of equipment, resources and waste to be moved through rural and urban areas by truck. In the U.S communities have been inundated with heavy traffic, resulting in a sharp spike in accidents and deaths on the roads. Just two sites planned in Lancashire will create 40,000 vehicle movements and fracking traffic that will effect 100’s of communities across the UK. To see details of support sites and transport routes use this interactive map.

For guidance and printed materials for starting and anti-fracking group in your area please get in touch:

Use these Flyers for raising awareness about Fracking Traffic in your area (Black & White or Colour). Designed to be printed 4 up, double sided, on A4 paper. If you would like an editable version or a different size please get in touch:

Fracking Traffic Flyer


Download FrackingTraffic2016Cv2 (PDF)
Download FrackingTraffic2016BWv2 (PDF)
Download FrackingTraffic (JPEG)

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