Monthly Archives: March 2012

Government advisors sponsored by fracking industry

Government advisors sponsored by fracking industry

The British Geological Survey plays a key role in UK government’s view of fracking.  Yet the BGS’s annual report reveals the organisation is partly funded by companies involved in the hydraulic fracturing industry, including Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon, BG Group and Schlumberger. The BGS’s close financial ties to industry raises questions about the impartiality of a […]

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Brightoners unveil huge anti-fracking banner at city station

Brightoners unveil huge anti-fracking banner at city station

Brightoners recently unveiled a bus-sized banner at the city’s station. Raising awareness about the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing, the banner – over 22 square metres – was hand painted by fifteen people at CRAFT – Creative Resistance Against the Fracking Threat. Hydraulic fracturing injects millions of gallons of chemicals and water into the ground […]

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