What is Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)?!
The UK is set to be a global guinea-pig for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) – that’s setting fire to coal underground to make synthetic gas if you didn’t know. 27 licences have been sold next to major UK cities – containing several billion tonnes of coal between them.
What is UCG?! Have a read of this new UCG fact Sheet. It’s a very good place to start!
Download the high-res PDF here.
Cluff Natural Resources, one of the UK pioneers of this experimental industry, have just been awarded 3 new licenses – two just off the coast near Durham and one above Whitehaven on the opposite side of the country: http://www.cityam.com/1407806463/cluff-awarded-new-licences
You can see all the UK’s licences here.
See all UK community groups here.