Fracking takes millions of gallons of CLEAN water & poisons it FOREVER
We’re being told that fracking is safe by the industry and it’s stooges. However, the evidence to the contrary is EVERYWHERE and it’s been pouring out of the U.S and Australia for years.
Article featured in post here: http://www.commondreams.org/news/2015/09/08/fracking-fallout-new-analysis-reveals-over-100-million-gallons-toxic-wastewater
See a fully referenced list of the harm caused by fracking here: https://frack-off.org.uk/mounting-evidence-the-harm-caused-by-fracking/#waste
Our new step-by-step guide to starting an effective anti-fracking campaign where you live: https://frack-off.org.uk/get-stuck-in/
Want some friendly advice/support in getting started? Get in touch via info@frack-off.org
All UK applications and licences: https://frack-off.org.uk/extreme-energy-fullscreen/
See all UK community groups here: https://frack-off.org.uk/local-group-specific-pages/
New UK fracking licensing threat: https://frack-off.org.uk/frackers-close-to-getting-their-hands-on-60-