Effective Campaigning Training For North West Anti-Frackers – Book Today!
If you are a grass-roots campaigner, organiser or activist and you want to get skilled up to campaign, help your group get stronger or you’re interested in sharing your skills in these or other areas with others, this workshop is for you! Whether you’re new to anti-fracking, or you’re a veteran everyone is welcome at these workshops.
Effective Campaigning
Grassroots campaign groups have the potential to be very powerful. Come along to get inspired, get to grips with the context that anti-fracking campaigns are working within and learn the tools & skills to plan and run an effective campaign.
Email if you have questions or to reserve a place. The training is free, but if you are able to chip in towards venue costs that would help us offer more trainings in the future – anything you can afford between £0 and £15 per day’s training.
Find your Local Group here…
Email info@frack-off.org if you want help setting up a group in your area.
See all current UK Fracking Licences here…
Find out whats going on in your region here…
Read our analysis of DECC’s consultation process here…
See the DECC announcement here…