Application For Permit To Expand Radioactive Waste Dump Site
The Kings Cliffe Landfill near Peterborough, operated by hazardous waste company Augean, is one of the few landfill sites in the UK presently allowed to accept low-level radioactive waste. The site has been mentioned as a likely destination for solid radioactive waste from fracking, if it is not stopped.
The dumping of radioactive waste at the site was forced on the local community by central government in 2011, after a long campaign during which the county council rejected the planning application. Now Augean plans to double the size of the site and has applied for a permit from the Environment Agency (consultation ends 30th Oct).
Fracking produces vast quantities of toxic and radioactive waste, which is overwhelming the limited capacity to deal with it in the US, and a combination of spills and dumping is contaminating land, waterways and groundwater. Hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive and toxic drill cuttings have been dumped in landfills, often far from where the fracking is taking place.
Environmental Permit Application: https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/portal/npsapp/aug/augean_south_limited
Kings Cliffe Site: https://frack-off.org.uk/waste-sites/kings-cliffe/
Fracking Waste: https://frack-off.org.uk/mounting-evidence-the-harm-caused-by-fracking/#waste