Land South West Of Crawberry Hill


Planning expires 18 months from variation decision date on 27th April 2016.

Update 13/08/15 Rathlin has announced that it is abandoning its exploratory well at this site. Read more…

Rathlin Energy attempted to frack a shale gas exploration well at this site at Walkington near Beverley in East Yorkshire. The well was drilled in Aug 2013 under the guise of being purely conventional, but also penetrated the Bowland Shale to take core samples. Rathlin continued testing the well, including a mini-frac on the Bowland Shale to test whether it is possible to hydraulically fracture the formation.

Planning Applications

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Licensee Planning ID Notes Submitted Decision Status Consultation
Rathlin Energy12/02945/STPLFConstruction of a temporary drilling site with associated access, to drill an appraisal borehole for the purposes of mineral exploration (petroleum)14/06/201218/09/2012ExpiredClosed
Rathlin Energy14/02622/STVAR Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 12/02945/STPLF to allow a further 24 months in which to complete the approved operations07/08/201427/10/2014GrantedClosed

Environmental Permits

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Licensee Permit ID Notes Comments open Comments deadline Status Consultation
Rathlin EnergyEPR/BB3000KC/A001Application from Rathlin Energy (UK) Limited for an environmental permit for the management of extractive mining waste, and flaring of gas resulting from the prospecting for oil and gas at Crawberry Hill Wellsite12/02/201412/03/2014GrantedClosed
Rathlin EnergyEPR/PB3930DV/A001Application from Rathlin Energy (UK) Limited for management of radioactive waste at Crawberry Hill Wellsite12/02/201412/03/2014GrantedClosed