Ribble Estuary Against Fracking

So the first FrackOff! team up in Lancs have got the ball rolling rolling rolling… lots of flyers in letterboxes, conversations on doorsteps and posters across villages all around the 5 different fracking sites.

Concentrating on Banks – where the drill is drilling at the moment – we spent time helping with a public meeting / info night in Hesketh Bank Village Hall (near the Marsh Road Cuadrilla site) attended by about 40 local residents.

The ecologist TV “Fracking Hell” video was shown and there was an unanimous opposition to fracking in the area with a lot of people fired up and angry about this going ahead and wanting to do something about it “now”… leading to the set up of a local action group (Ribble Estuary Against Fracking) to oppose Cuadrilla’s plans, with the next local action meeting next week.

Lots of good proactive ideas floating around about how to tackle this locally and link up with others around Lancs and beyond.

Next Planning Meeting¶ 7:30pm, Tues 30th August, Hesketh Bank Village Hall


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