Fracking “Together We Can Stop It” Flyers – 4 x A6 Flyers

Fracking is a new more extreme form of fossil fuel extraction targeting impermeable rocks such as shale (for Shale Oil & Gas) and coal (for Coal Bed Methane). Getting oil and gas in this way is new and requires the drilling of thousands of wells over hundreds of square miles. This industrialises vast swathes of rural and suburban areas and requires the use of intensive processes such as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. 10 million acres of the UK have now been licensed for drilling. For guidance and printed resources for starting and anti-fracking group in your area please get in touch:

Use these flyers for raising awareness about Fracking in your area (Black & White or Colour). They are designed to be printed 4 up, double sided, on A4 paper. If you would like an editable version or a different size please get in touch:


Download Fracking2016Cv2 (PDF)
Download Fracking2016BWv2 (PDF)
Download Fracking2016v2 (JPEG)

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