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Cuadrilla – inside the management team

…rking for Dennis Carlton – he established Evergreen Well Services to run operations for Carlton’s Evergreen Resources (see above). Indeed, Caudrilla’s corporate structure seems to be based on Carlton and Vaughan’s previously collaborations or, as the Cuadrilla website has it the ‘seamless vertically integrated drilling and completion service subsidiary is a model operated by Cuadrilla to underpin operational standards… Continue reading

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Why is a Guildford District Councillor running Cuadrilla’s website?

A look at Cuadrilla’s website reveals several bland documents. An application form for a job at the company, as well as various media and company pdfs. All very innocuous. Looking at the author of these documents, however, reveals a more malign influence: Nick Sutcliffe, Conservative Councillor for Ash South & Tongham Ward, and a member of Guildford District Council (to see an example download one of Cuadrilla’s pdfs. Save the fil… Continue reading

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Guest Blog by Residents Action On Fylde Fracking (RAFF) - So its one rule for us and none for them

Guest Blog by Residents Action On Fylde Fracking (RAFF) – So its one rule for us and none for them

Environment Agency Exempt Cuadrilla From Permit Licence The Environment Agency (EA) has rolled over and granted Cuadrilla permission to move the 18,000 gallons of radioactive flowback sludge that has been stored at Preece Hall, following fracking activity there last year. The sludge was too radioactive to move under current EA regulations. Those same regulations still apply but the EA have made a favourable exception and have told Cuadrilla that… Continue reading

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Huge gas plans for Airth: 100 wells, compulsory purchase orders and fracking not ruled out

…in the national press and on TV. The drillers revelation demonstrate the truth of what local residents have been saying for many months. Unconventional gas extraction – such as the site at Airth – involves the widespread industrialisation of the countryside. Dart’s plan for 100 wells would also require extensive pipeline infrastructure, as well as large volumes of potentially toxic water discharges. Currently the company has per… Continue reading

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Fracking Threat to the UK

Fracking Threat to the UK

…ted by energy extraction, one where most of the energy produced is used to run the extraction processes while people live and die in its toxic shadow. The present system’s addiction to massive amounts of energy is driving this headlong rush towards oblivion and unless something is done to stop it we will all be dragged down into hell with it. Tar Sands, Mountain Top Removal, Deep Water Drilling, Biofuels and Fracking are all symptoms of this scram… Continue reading

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