Frack Free EQS (Exmoor, Quantocks & Sedgemoor) (South West)


Did you know that areas in Somerset have been licensed for fracking? If not, that is no surprise as we didn’t either until recently! I wonder how this can be the case? Our Community has not been respectfully informed by national and local public bodies about fracking or given the opportunity to decide whether they want fracking to be conducted in Somerset. Many decisions have already been made to get to this stage without any public consultation.

This issue could have a huge impact on your life and the lives of future generations due to the potential detrimental impact to the environment (in particular water, air and noise pollution), the natural and built environment, economic impact on property prices and other industries (such as farming and tourism and others that depend on the land and water quality) and congestion.

Join our group – we welcome your support/input to whatever extent you can commit:
Send us a message through our Facebook page

Please note we are a non-political/religious group and welcome people from all walks of life. We are ordinary, CONCERNED, people, who want our community to be informed and have their voice heard.