Frack Free Driffield and Wolds (Yorkshire)


We are ordinary local residents. We live here. We like it. There are similar groups of people across the north of England in particular, but also elsewhere in the country. There are groups in America and Australia too – and they have valuable insights for us here in our quiet part of Yorkshire. The places they live have already been fracked on a large scale.

We come from a wide range of backgrounds and age groups. We have come together because we love Driffield and the Wolds and we genuinely believe the area to be under threat. We are not prepared to stand by and see this place turned into a gas-field.

We each have our own reasons for opposing fracking. We have read, researched, asked questions – and tried to see behind the hype from government and the drilling companies.

We aim to give reasoned, careful, referenced information so that people can make up their own minds about fracking.

Some of us live in Driffield itself, others in villages on the Wolds. We are always keen for other people to join us and get involved! Please do get in touch using the forms below, and we hope to see you at one of our events soon!