Latest news
- Rathlin Energy push fracking in East Yorkshire
- Returns to West Newton site drilled last year
- 40 HGV’s escorted by 100 police swoop on site
- Planning mini-frac on the Bowland Shale layer
- Aims to test if the shale layer can be fractured
- Cuadrilla’s fracking rig now erected on the site
- Rented to Rathlin to conduct the mini-frac test
- More oil & gas companies getting into fracking
- Community at Crawberry Hill under same threat
- Camps supporting blockades outside both sites
- 150 people march in nearby town of Beverley
- Communities mobilising to resist this threat
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- New BGS shale oil and gas report released
- Focused on Midland Valley in central Scotland
- Outlines third fracking threat to the region
- On top of the coal based threats: CBM/UCG
- Suggests around 14 months of shale gas
- As well as around 5 months of shale oil
- Combined with 5 months Coal Bed Methane
- Extraction would require over 7,000 wells
- Stretches from Glasgow through Edinburgh
- Underground Coal Gasification also a threat
- 5 UCG licences already sold in Firth of Forth
- More than 1 billion tons of coal targeted
- Extraction would require over 4,000 wells
- Is third BGS report in run up to licensing round
- Where 60% of UK could be sold to the frackers
- Across UK report threaten over 50,000 wells
- Communities getting organised to resist threat
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- UK 14th Licensing Round is now imminent
- Plans to hand over 60% of UK to frackers
- Preparations underway by the government
- Official notice publish in an EU journal
- Unused licences are being clawed back
- Where companies are failing to drill wells
- 26 licences relinquished in last few months
- Small fraction of existing onshore licences
- But is no cause for celebration at present
- Could soon be re-licensed to other companies
- Licensing system designed to maximise drilling
- New round could start as soon as early July
- Organised communities needed to resist
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