Site inspection report states:
The escape of silt contaminted surface water had occured through an electrical conduit inside an interceptor chamber. The interceptor forms part of the well pad drainage system. Two isolation valves prevent silt contaminated surface water from escaping the well pad drainage ditch, on this occasion surface water had backed up in the drainage ditch blocked by the isolation valves then filled the three interceptor chambers and escaped through this electrical conduit. It is understood that the electrical conduit was to be used to run cabling for electrical equipment, however at the time of the incident no such equipment was in place.A ducting manhole was identified at a low point along the western boundary of the site. The manhole overflowed and spilled onto ground which spread across land. A quantity of the silt contaminated surface water saturated the ground and flowed overland into a field drain which then discharged to a tributary of Carr Bridge Brook.
Uncontrolled Discharge
Told to prevent the escape of silt contaminated surface water from the drainage system by ensuring that the drainage system is sealed.