Category Archives: Uncategorized

Guest Blog by Residents Action On Fylde Fracking (RAFF) - So its one rule for us and none for them

Guest Blog by Residents Action On Fylde Fracking (RAFF) – So its one rule for us and none for them

Environment Agency Exempt Cuadrilla From Permit Licence The Environment Agency (EA) has rolled over and granted Cuadrilla permission to move the 18,000 gallons of radioactive flowback sludge that has been stored at Preece Hall, following fracking activity there last year. The sludge was too radioactive to move under current EA regulations. Those same regulations still […]

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Geomechanical Study Of Bowland Shale Seismicity, Cuadrilla Resources (2011)

Geomechanical Study Of Bowland Shale Seismicity, Cuadrilla Resources (2011)

The plot below shows a clear correlation between Cuadrillas fracking operations at Preese Hall Lancashire and sesimic activity in the area. The small circles are seismic events. By looking at the right hand axes you can see their size. The blue line shows the volume of water and chemicals injected into the well and out […]

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Direct Action To Protect Pennsylvania Forest From Fracking

Last Sunday nearly 100 Earth First! activists and locals shut down a shale gas drilling site in Pennsylvania for 12 hours. The blockade of the EQT site in Pennsylvania’s Moshannon State Forest was trying to stop the further destruction of Pennsylvania’s state forests — more than half of which have already been leased for drilling […]

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The march from Camp Frack

The march from Camp Frack

As the dust settles after Camp Frack it’s my job now to describe the events of yesterday, try to sum up the camp as a whole and discern a way forward from here, personally and for the campaign. This last bit is not going to be easy for me, not least because my feelings at […]

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Ribble Estuary Against Fracking

So the first FrackOff! team up in Lancs have got the ball rolling rolling rolling… lots of flyers in letterboxes, conversations on doorsteps and posters across villages all around the 5 different fracking sites. Concentrating on Banks – where the drill is drilling at the moment – we spent time helping with a public meeting […]

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