Category Archives: Blog

Don`t Frack Our Future - Doreen`s Story

Don`t Frack Our Future – Doreen`s Story

Unconventional gas exploration is threatening the UK. Licenses have already been granted by the Government with little or no community consultation. The scale of the industrialisation and impacts are never discussed. This film charts Doreen and John’s journey from the shock of the drill rigs arrival to the sickening realisation that their lives and the […]

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Fracking pollutes groundwater: damning new data

Fracking pollutes groundwater: damning new data

                            A little-known US government database shows conclusively that fracking forces gas and chemicals into sources of groundwater. This directly contradicts senior British ministers, US government officials and the fracking industry who have repeatedly denied links between fracking and contaminated water supplies. […]

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20 Impact of Unconventional Gas Technologies

20 Impact of Unconventional Gas Technologies

These resources are designed to be used by anyone.  20 images have been  selected to represent 20 inescapable impacts of each unconventional gas extraction technology. The images can be used in presentations, talks and workshops in digital format or can be printed out and used as stimulus material for discussion. Large format A3 versions of […]

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Exploding The Fracking Hype

Exploding The Fracking Hype

  • Latest government fracking announcement
  • Sparse on details, but plenty of hype
  • Wild claims regarding vast amounts of gas
  • Technical or economic aspects not addressed
  • Would require 10,000 of wells to be drilled
  • Industrialising vast area of countryside
  • Unspecified bribes for communities
  • No compensation enough for this though
  • Can look to US and Australia to see impacts
  • Communities getting organised to resist

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Fracking Sussex: The Threat Of Shale Oil & Gas

Fracking Sussex: The Threat Of Shale Oil & Gas

  • Fracking is now threatening Sussex
  • Cuadrilla has licence blocks in the east
  • Celtique Energie has blocks in the west
  • Unconventional prospects in Sussex
  • Kimmeridge Clay and deeper Lias
  • Kimmeridge is presently main target
  • Analogous to Bakken Shale in North Dakota
  • Would require drilling thousands of wells
  • Cuadrilla want to drill at Balcombe soon
  • Celtique have plans for two sites in Sussex
  • Near Fernhurst and Wisborough Green

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Fracking Greenwash: Revenge Of The Frackademics

  • Second frackademic scandal in UK
  • Following Durham University one
  • Pro-fracking report by Grantham Institute
  • Cuadrilla Chairman Lord Browne on board
  • Several other members have fracking links
  • Funded by ex-Shell investment strategist
  • Heavily invested in fracking companies
  • Including UK fackers Cuadrilla and IGas
  • Supports pro-fracking spin in US

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44 percent of wells leaking at UK Treasury director's gasfield: Australian government

44 percent of wells leaking at UK Treasury director’s gasfield: Australian government

Over 44 percent of wells are leaking in an Australian gasfield overseen by UK Treasury director Baroness Hogg, according to the Queensland government (see p4 of linked pdf). Almost half the wells tested at the Tara field in Queensland show some sign of leakage, reports the Queensland Mines Department. Over 5,000 coal bed methane (CBM) […]

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Frackademics In UK Pushing Industry Spin

  • New Durham University Pro-Shale Gas Report
  • Highlights University’s Hijacking By Industry PR
  • Authors Have Multiple Fracking Industry Links
  • Durham Energy Institute Controlled By Industry
  • ReFINE: Durham Fracking Propaganda Group
  • Links To Similar Organisations Across Europe
  • Parallels With Frackademic Scandals In US
  • Report Carefully Avoids All The Real Issues
  • No Hint Of The Scale Of Fracking Threat

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