Blog Archives

Misson Community Fracking Blockade

Trucks have begun rolling to construct the East Midlands first fracking site at Springs Road in Misson, Nottinghamshire. Frack Free Misson, supported groups from across the region, is resisting the ongoing construction efforts. Fracking company IGas Energy got planning approval in November 2016 for a shale gas exploration site. The plans call for drilling up […]

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Horse Hill Community Fracking Blockade

Support is needed at Horse Hill fracking site north of Gatwick Airport where a new occupation has begun as threat of further testing looms. A vertical exploration well was drilled in October 2014, which passed through a number of shale formations, including the Kimmeridge Clay. With a number of active fracking sites in Surrey and […]

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Kirby Misperton Community Fracking Blockade

Fracking company Third Energy is planning to carry out hydraulic fracturing tests on the KM8 well at its Kirby Misperton site in North Yorkshire, which it previously drilled through the Bowland Shale. The company plans to initially target tight sandstone layers within the Bowland Shale (so called tight gas). This unconventional extraction is very similar […]

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Leith Hill Community Fracking Blockade

Europa Oil & Gas and partners Angus Energy are intending to carry out exploratory drilling for drilling for tight/shale oil at Leith Hill in Surrey. This is part of a wider plan to frack the Weald, coating a large part of Sussex and Surrey, in thousands of wells at typical densities of 4-8 wells per […]

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Broadford Bridge Community Fracking Blockade

Broadford Bridge Community Fracking Blockade

Fracking company UK Oil & Gas Investments (UKOG) is drilling for tight/shale oil at Broadford Bridge near Billingshurst, West Sussex, and threatened communities across the Weald are mobilising to resist, but needs support. Following drilling at Horse Hill and Brockham in Surrey UKOG is targeting the Kimmeridge Clay shale formation further south in West Sussex, […]

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PR Marriott Community Fracking Blockade

With site construction at Cuadrilla Resources’ flagship fracking site at Preston New Road in Lancashire drawing to a close, attention is turning to resisting the upcoming drilling phase of the project. Cuadrilla’s main drilling equipment is stored on it drilling contractor, PR Marriott, yard at Danesmoor near Chesterfield. A rolling blockade of the yard will […]

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Preston New Road Community Fracking Blockade (Part 2)

Preston New Road Community Fracking Blockade (Part 2)

In January 2017 contractors (AE Yates Ltd) working for Cuadrilla Resources moved in on land where it has permission to construct the largest fracking development in the UK. Cuadrilla have constructed an access road and a large frac pad on fields north of Preston New Road and are now drilling two horizontal shale wells. Local […]

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Brockham Community Protection Blockade

Angus Energy is trying to drill a sidetrack to an existing conventional oil well, but one which would also target the Kimmeridge Clay shale formation. This tight/shale oil is the same formation targeted by the Balcombe and Horse Hill wells. The company, and its partners which include many of the same companies involved at Horse […]

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