Monthly Archives: October 2016

Communities Across The UK Threatened By Fracking – Together We Can Beat It!
Whether you live near a fracking site, near a toxic support site, on a transport route or in a licence area, organised community action means we can beat the fracking threat together. Use the map to get informed, find people you can work with and support communities across the UK. The map has been updated […]

Stop Barclays Fracking – 23 DEMO’s Tomorrow!!! Check For Details
And who owns Third Energy? Barclays Bank!!! While Third Energy’s business model is to ‘frack, frack, frack’, as an investor, Barclays has a few more options and is much more sensitive to bad PR. Spooking investors and taking away a key pillar of financial support would be devastating to the fracking industry already plagued with […]

Massive National Anti-Fracking Demo Tomorrow!!! – Saturday 12th Nov
Massive NATIONAL Anti-Fracking Solidarity Demo. We need to show the government and the fracking industry just how strong the opposition is in our wonderful cities and countryside. Groups from all over England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland will be joining us. This is going to be big!!! Event Details >>Here<< Please come along and make a […]

New BGS Report Highlights Shale Oil Threat In Wessex Basin
A new report by the British Geological Survey (BGS) estimates the Lower Lias shale formation in the Wessex Basin contains around 1.1 billion barrels of oil. This about a quarter of the amount the BGS estimated for the Weald Basin (where the Kimmeridge Clay, rather than the Lias, is the main threat) but still poses […]

Sibelco Plan New Silica Quarry In Cheshire – Frac Sand?!!
Sibelco UK Ltd. have submitted an application for a new silica quarry in Cheshire. The application came two weeks before the Secretary of State overruled Lancashire County Councils decision on fracking in Lancashire. Sibelco have previously supplied frac sand to Cuadrilla Resources for it’s ill-fated Preese Hall-1 well. Each well that Cuadrilla propose to frack […]

All UK Fracking Sites – Take Action Where You Live
Lancashire is one of a small number of frontlines where the UK fracking industry is trying to take hold. Communities across the globe, from New South Wales to British Columbia have faced down the fracking industry and their own governments. Now communities in Lancashire and across the UK must defend themselves. This is a fight […]

Stand With Lancashire to Defend UK Communities From Fracking Threat
Residents and community groups in Lancashire want everyone who can – to come to Preston New Road – Maple Farm forecourt (next to World of Water Blackpool, one field from the proposed fracking site). Please come. LANCASHIRE RESISTANCE EVENT DETAILS >>HERE<< If you can’t get here to show solidarity, then please if you can, with […]

Government Abandons Lancashire To Fracking – Will You Let It Happen?
The secretary of State for Communities Sajid Javid has given the go ahead for fracking at 1 site in Lancashire. Last year massive community opposition forced Lancashire County Council to deny fracking company Cuadrilla Resources permission for 2 large new test sites. This decision has now been overturned for one site by central government, in […]