Monthly Archives: July 2016

Lancashire Community Send Solidarity To Yorkshire Demo TODAY!!!
Lancashire anti-fracking community groups and their supporters are skilling-up with a campaigning and action skills training day today. With a decision on Cuadrilla’s two major appraisal sites due to be made in the very near future, we have a small window of opportunity for gaining new skills, planning and prepping for what may be the […]

Watch This Animation Of Fracking Wells Taking Over Pennsylvania!!!
Watch as close to 10,000 shale gas wells inundate Pennsylvania. The land area of this state is 46,055 sq mi (close to the land area of England 50,346 sq mi). With a population of 12 million, Pennsylvania’s population density is 1/2 the UK average. The video is a collaboration between Joe Seamans and Fractracker Alliance. Watch the […]

Air pollution from fracking major issue for Asthma sufferers…
Exposure to more intense shale gas development correlates with a higher risk of asthma attacks among asthma patients, according to a new study of Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale, one of the nation’s largest and most active fracking regions. Link to article and study here: NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ORGANISED! Find your Local Group here… […]

Formby Seismic Survey Anti-Fracking Bus Tour
Hop on board for our second journey around the seismic survey area but this time on the Big Red Anti-Fracking Bus! Sunday 31st July 11 am. Email to reserve places! Aurora Energy Resources are trying to carry out 3D seismic surveying. Landowners have already been bullied into allowing these test to take place on their […]

The Harm Caused by Fracking Chemicals
The quantities of toxic and radioactive waste being produced by fracking, are overwhelming the limited capacity of treatment plants, which cannot remove all contaminants in any case, and combined with spilling and dumping is contaminating land, waterways and groundwater Living in or near a gas-field or being exposed to the industry’s waste stream is a […]

Do you live near a proposed frack-waste disposal site? Find out today!
The quantities of toxic and radioactive waste being produced by fracking, are overwhelming the limited capacity of treatment plants, which cannot remove all contaminants in any case, and combined with spilling and dumping is contaminating land, waterways and groundwater. See proposed UK waste disposal sites: NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ORGANISED! Find your Local […]

250+ Anti-Fracking groups in Britain & Ireland. Join or start one where you live TODAY!
Organised, visible community resistance is beating the fracking industry. NOW is the time to find your local group or start one in your area! See our latest guide to campaigning for anti-fracking groups here: NOW IS THE TIME TO GET ORGANISED! See all current UK Fracking Licences here… Find out whats going on in your region […]

Formby Public Information Evening Tomorrow!!! Thursday 21st July
Aurora Energy Resources are trying to carry out 3D seismic surveying. Landowners have already been bullied into allowing these test to take place on their land, as refusing access would result in high court action, sanctioned by the Secretary of State. Click To Enlarge. The survey is being carried out by TESLA Exploration International. The […]